Sunday, January 6, 2013


In the Bible, the word “reasonable” relates to the concept of being considerate, and conveys a sense of not being too strict.   Many people believe that they always need to do more, do better, or be better.  If we strive to attain unreasonable goals regardless of the cost, we subject ourselves to unnecessary stress.  Developing a reasonable view of what we CAN do, will greatly reduce our day to day stress levels.

Many of us are able to view others reasonably (with consideration), yet we find it very difficult to be considerate with ourselves. When we are reasonable, we are able to view our own circumstances in the same objective, balanced manner in which we view others.  To have a reasonable view of our own limitations can be challenging. 

We need to learn to recognize the signs that may tell us when we are approaching our own limits.  Proverbs 11:17

Once we identify our perceived limitations, it is not in our own best interest to become too lenient with ourselves, using our limitations as an excuse for doing less than we are capable of.  Though self examination and self adjustment can be challenging, it brings rich blessings.  Remember, the Creator/God never asks more of us than we can give. 

Just as it is not in our best interest to become too lenient with ourselves, it is not in our best interest to continue to focus our attention on our limitations.  To do so, prevents us from seeing what IS within our reach. 

It is to our benefit to do our best to make an honest appraisal of our abilities and limitations, and then cultivate reasonable expectations in light of our personal abilities and circumstances.  When we discern and appreciate the possibilities that ARE within our reach, instead of dwelling on our limitations, we are able to set balanced goals, and achieve a sense of achievement, despite our limitations.

The Creator/God understands human limitations and loves us when we serve him to the best of our ability, in spite of our limitations. 

Remembering that the Creator/ God is not a strict taskmaster, will help us to be modest in what we expect of ourselves, recognizing our limitations.  Micah 6:8

We may feel stress as we make personal adjustments.  Take time to speak to the Creator/God, the “Hearer of prayer” frequently.  Psalm 65:2

When we pray, we can ask the Creator/God to help us to make necessary adjustments in our lives.  Likewise, we can safely tell him about any anxiety we may be feeling, knowing that he cares for us.  1 Peter 5:7 

Self-adjustment requires personal determination and effort.  Adjusting the way we use our physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual resources can help keep our life in balance.  When we have reasonable expectations and set reachable goals, our activities bring us deep satisfaction and joy.

“Always rejoice in the Lord. Once more I will say, Rejoice! Let your reasonableness become known to all men.”  Phil. 4:4,5

So it is, sealed in trust, faith and truth, in the Sacred Divine Light.

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