Sunday, July 15, 2012

Straying off the Spiritual Path

Straying off the Spiritual Path

As stated last week, ample opportunities, are provided for each of us, on a daily basis, to choose whether we want to serve the Earthly Realm or the Spiritual Realm.  Regardless of what drama/temptation/situation presents itself to us, when we allow ourselves to display ANY Attitude/Behavior indicative of the Earthly Realm, we consciously or unconsciously separate ourselves from the Spiritual Realm.

Some Attitudes/behaviors indicative of the Spiritual Realm:
  • gentleness
  • calmness
  • a love of truth
  • meek
  • peaceful
  • teachable
  • merciful
  • sincere
  • tender-hearted
  • sensitive
  • honest
  • forgiving
  • patient
  • loving
  • open
  • steadfast
  • unwavering consistency
  • vigilant
  • faithful
  • trusting
  • modest
  • humble
  • courteous 

Some Attitudes/behaviors indicative of the Earthly Realm:
  • strife
  • contention
  • self-conceit
  • subtle and skilful argumentation
  • shrewdness
  • bigotry
  • bitterness
  • racist
  • angry
  • bullying
  • abrasive (in words or actions)
  • abusive (physically/mentally/emotionally and/or spiritually)
  • disrespectful
  • lustful dysfunctional gratification of the passions
  • envious
  • stubborn
  • selfish
  • quarrelsome
  • malicious
  • deceitful
  • cunning
  • secretive
  • crafty
  • proud
  • haughty
  • overbearing
  • condescending
  • arrogant

It is easy to lose our spiritual focus and our way.  As a matter of fact, it is so easy to do, that we often do not even realize that we are no longer on our spiritual path.  We may be off it for only but a moment or two, or we may stray so far off the spiritual path, that we can not see our way back.  

As you all know, I, like all of you, am a Spiritual Being having a HUMAN Experience; therefore, I, also come face to face with human dramas/temptations/situations which present themselves, on a daily basis.  Depending on how I consciously, or unconsciously, “choose” to navigate these regularly occurring human experiences, I “allow” myself to either stay strong on my spiritual path, or I “allow” myself to be lured off it. 

Case in Point:  This week, I unconsciously allowed myself to temporarily step out of the Spiritual Realm and enter into the Earthly realm.  I behaved in a selfish way; my behavior dishonored a beloved Sister’s Spirit, and temporarily dimmed the light of both of our spirits. 

For jealousy and selfishness are not God's kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic.  James 3:15

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit; Instead, humbly think of others as being more significant than yourselves.  Philippians 2:3 

Can we prevent earthly traits/inclinations, from luring us away from our spiritual path?   … If so, How?

It is written:  I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way you should go.  I will give advice with my eyes upon you.  Psalms 32:8

How do we gain this insight? … Where do we get this instruction? 

Vigilance in our spiritual studies, prayers, meditations, and regular association with “like-minded” people provide opportunities for us to gain insight and direction, as we navigate the Earthly Realm.  
With continued vigilance, we learn to see what is in our own hearts; we see what the Creator/God and the Divine Light/Jesus sees.  We become conscious of the Earthly traits/inclinations which often lead us out of the Spiritual Realm.  The sooner we realize that we are not thinking/acting in a way that is indicative of the Spiritual Realm, the sooner we can correct our thoughts/actions and return to it

If we take the time to process “how” we were lured off the path and “what” we have learned from the experience, we will grow both personally and spiritually (which by the way, is the overall goal of the Church of Ultra Light Consciousness.). 

Self is not ever to be in the forefront; the only true correction for selfishness is true humility.  Humility does not mean that we are obliged to believe or do everything others say, right or wrong; we are not blind to the Earthly traits/inclinations of others; however, honor and esteem are due to each and all.

True humility is having the willingness to view our own importance (needs/desires/opinions/etc.) as being less important than someone else’s importance, in spite of their Earthly traits/inclinations.   When we treat each other with honor and respect in our everyday common conversations and actions … building each other up, both in the Earthly and the Spiritual Realms … not waiting until respect is shown on one side to return it again. … we lead the way, serving as a guide in showing the honor and esteem due to each and all (which incidentally, is one of the spiritual responsibilities of all Church of Ultra Light Consciousness Ministers.). 
Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.  Romans 12:10     

Submit to one another out of respect for Christ.   Ephesians 5:21 

Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers and sisters, be compassionate and keep a humble attitude.    1 Peter 3:8  

This is a hard lesson, and very few persons learn it thoroughly.  The Creator/God and the Divine Light/Jesus are served with our spirit, not with our minds.  It is in our spiritual best interest to make a conscious effort to listen with our hearts so that we may agree in spiritual truth; when we fall short of that, it will serve us well if we agree to disagree, in spiritual love and affection.  

When we are able to apply this lesson, we willingly perform humble tasks, without resentment, which may be of benefit to others.  This does not harm relationships; instead, it makes every yoke lighter.  When we genuinely prefer someone else’s experience, light and knowledge to our own - contentment, peace, harmony, love, order and unity are preserved in our relationships.

So it is, sealed in trust, faith and truth, in the Sacred Divine Light. Amen

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