Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Lost Art of Discernment: Part 2 of 2

The formatting is acting up again; this week we seem to have some color ... lol

In a nutshell, it could be said that discernment is the “mindful consideration” of a subject. It is the conscious act of going beyond our individual, pre-conceived views, judgements and perceptions. 

Discernment is cyclical and consists of an external and an internal component. 

The external component of discernment pertains to actively researching a topic, to gain understanding. It is the practice of comparing and analyzing what we already believe we know, with information we read, see or hear.  

The internal component deals with comprehension and personal integration of our research, via meditation and personal reflection.  It is an interior search, it is the process of determining the Creator’s/God's will for us, and the ability to carry it out. 

(Discernment is) “Knowing what to do, how to proceed, and how to respond when the issue is not visible to us.”   Peggy Moerbe

King Solomon emphasized the importance of practicing discernment.  
My son, if you will receive my sayings and treasure up my own commandments with yourself, so as to pay attention to wisdom with your ear, that you may incline your heart to discernment; if, moreover, you call out for understanding itself and you give forth your voice for discernment itself, if you keep seeking for it as for silver, and as for hid treasures you keep searching for it, in that case you will understand the fear of God, and you will find the very knowledge of God.  When wisdom enters into your heart and knowledge itself becomes pleasant to your very soul, thinking ability itself will keep guard over you, discernment itself will safeguard you, to deliver you from the bad way, from the man speaking perverse things, from those leaving the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness. Proverbs 2:1-5, 10-13
Discernment helps us:
·        determine the value and quality of our individual views, judgements and perceptions
·        perceive subtleties (grasp and comprehend that which is not obvious)
·        discard any old or new information that is misleading or irrelevant
·        recognize truths that resonate within our hearts
·        practice humility
·        self correct
·        set our priorities straight
·        exercise good judgement
·        gain wisdom by making wise decisions, especially during stressful/trying times
·        cultivate a close relationship with the Creator/God

Discernment requires time and personal effort. As mentioned earlier, discernment is cyclical; there are many steps to take to complete a discernment cycle.  The process is the same, regardless of how many times we have gone through the cycle.  

Here is the process:
·        Abandon the notion that we always know what is best.  
·        Pray to the Creator/God for an open, receptive mind and heart: Because truth is constantly changing, it is important to have an open mind so we can let go of old knowledge that is no longer valid.
·        Ask the Creator/God for the help of the Holy Spirit.
·        Actively dig for information, as if searching for a buried treasure. 
·        Isolate and focus on the main points presented in our research; this will help us understand the development of the subject at hand.
·        Ask the Creator/God to help us understand/comprehend information found in our research.
·       Analyze new information: Put information received to the test; see if it is truthful.  How does this new information apply to us, individually?  Do the results of our research resonate as truth within our hearts?  If  not, do not automatically assume that it is false; we may simply not be ready to receive it yet.  Instead, continue researching and meditating on the subject at hand; in time, the truth will be revealed. 
“Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions.”  1 John 4:1

·        Pay attention to intuition; it does not lie.  Intuition is the spark of light within each of  us that provides us with an innate knowing/sense of awareness that comes to us without explanation or proof.
·        While digging for answers, wait for the Creator/God to respond.   
·        Meditate upon how new found information relates to the Creator’s/God’s purpose.
One who is trying to make spiritual progress should attempt to … see things objectively … without being influenced by  emotions or passions. Discerning whether something is the Creator’s/God’s will, or the (D)evil’s will, requires calm, rational reflection.  The Creator’s/God’s will brings us to peaceful, joyful decisions. The (D)evil’s will leads us to make quick, emotional, conflicted decisions. Paraphrase, St. Ignatius of Loyola 
·        Meditate upon how to integrate and apply new ideas into our lives
·        Practice honest self-evaluation: Do we need to make personal adjustments in our thinking/beliefs? 
·        Abandon our personal views/judgements/perceptions when it becomes obvious that we are wrong.
·        Integrate our new found truth(s) into our hearts.   

When we consistently practice discernment, integrate our new found truths into our hearts, and apply new ideas into our lives, we grow spiritually. Over time, we take on a new personality, and the current cycle of discernment is complete. Each completed cycle brings us closer to the truth. 

If we make the conscious effort to fill our minds and hearts with the truth, we will gain wisdom, insight, and discernment.  A humble person who puts forth this kind of effort will indeed be able to get to know the Creator/God.
Let us gives serious attention to what is really deep inside of ourselves. Let us use our minds to acquire accurate knowledge of the Creator/God. Let us meditate on these things and seek to apply them. By doing so,

You will know the truth, and truth will set you free. John 8:32

So it is, sealed in trust, faith and truth, in the Sacred Divine Light (Jesus Christ). Amen