Sunday, July 22, 2012

Taking a Stand

There are dimensions and levels beyond the 3D world we live in now.  While we are still living in this consciousness, we need light/love to balance out the dark/fear.  The concept of dark/light ... earthly/heavenly... are part of the dualistic thinking which is prevalent in this current consciousness.  For us to evolve/ascend into the higher dimensions of light, we must let go of duality. 

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both Heaven and Earth.  Matthew 6:24

Ample opportunities are provided for each of us, on a daily basis, to choose whether we want to serve the Earthly Realm (dark, fear, hate, anger, lust, greed, sloth, resentment, pain, ignorance, jealousy, disdain, indifference,  etc.) or the Spiritual Realm (light, love, joy, compassion, gratitude, bliss, patience, empathy, humility, loyalty, honor, stewardship, courage, responsibility, etc.)

We can not give our ALL to more than 1 thing at a time.  This is a law of human nature. While we may very capable of multi-tasking (switching back and forth between 2 of more things, thoughts, emotions, tasks, etc.), we can only give our “full attention” to one thing at a time.  The Spiritual Realm requires our whole body, mind and soul.   When forced to make a choice, we tend to serve that which we desire most.

Regardless of what drama/temptation/situation presents itself to us, we can not sit on the fence, with divided thought/opinions; we must take a stand one way or the other.  For when we adopt attitudes like: makes no difference to me … I can take it or leave it … we are being indifferent.  When we are indifferent, we unconsciously “choose” the Earthly Realm by default, as indifference is of the Earthly Realm.  

It is spiritually dangerous to switch back and forth between being of service to the Spiritual Realm, and being of service to the Earthly Realm.  Whenever we give ourselves to the physical world, which is of the earthly Realm, we separate ourselves from the Creator (God) and the Divine Light (Jesus), which are of the Spiritual Realm.  When we separate ourselves from the Creator (God) and the Divine Light (Jesus), we are unable to trust that the Spiritual Realm will provide for us.  If the Spiritual Realm is not the object of our supreme trust, the Earthly Realm will be, by default.   

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your physical life (Earthly Realm), inquiring what you will eat or what you are to drink; nor about your body, inquiring about what you will wear.  Is not your soul (Spiritual Realm) more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 25  Therefore do not ever be concerned or say, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear? 31 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Spiritual Father already knows all your needs. 32  But first, be concerned about his kingdom and what has his approval. Then all these things will be provided for you.  33 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. 34  Matthew 6:25, 31-34 

These three fears (and others,) control those who serve the Earthly Realm.  Thoughtfulness for our souls (Spiritual Realm) is the best cure of thoughtfulness for the world (Earthly Realm).  The Spiritual Realm, from wence our life originated, knows what our needs are.  If we live up to our spiritual duties and responsibilities, with full trust in the Spiritual Realm, we will not lack for any thing we truly need.  Seek first the Spiritual Realm; it is the way to be provided for, in both Realms.

No obstacle is able to stand before an unwavering faith in the Spiritual Realm.  The mustard-seed is a very tiny seed, yet it becomes the greatest of all herbs.  With just the smallest amount of genuine faith, we can do many, seemingly impossible, things.  As our faith expands, so does our ability to successfully navigate more difficult things.   With enough faith, nothing is impossible.

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"  Matthew 14:31  "You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." Matthew 17:20 "I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him.  Mark 11:23

Therefore, let us not worry unduly, about our physical needs; instead, let us trust that the Spiritual Realm, which created our bodies and breathed the breath of life into us, will provide what is needed to sustain us.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

Now this does not mean that we can sit around all day and do nothing but pray, asking the Spiritual Realm for this or that; that would be a form of sloth; it would also be irresponsible in both Realms.
Biblical Scripture, as well as common sense, dictate that we prudently spend time in reflective thought, forethought and discernment, to help maintain, support, and preserve our own lives.  We need to utilize the divine faculties and gifts we were born with, and do the footwork, so to speak, but we do not need to allow ourselves to engage in perplexing and/or distressing thoughts and cares, which lead to despair and leave us incapable of making responsible decisions or taking appropriate actions.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

As our consciousness continues to evolve/ascend, which is what we are here to do, the concept of 3D duality will vanish from our minds.  Until then, each of us must take a stand one way or the other.  

Like all of you, I am a Spiritual Being having a HUMAN Experience; therefore, I, also come face to face with human dramas/temptations/situations which present themselves, on a daily basis.  Depending on how I consciously, or unconsciously, “choose” to navigate these regularly occurring human experiences, I “allow” myself to either stay strong on my spiritual path, or I “allow” myself to be lured off it.   

Which side of the fence are you on?

So it is, sealed in trust, faith and truth, in the Sacred Divine Light. Amen

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